Image of expert in fertility acupuncture IVF alternative care

Amy Galvan, DOM, L' Ac, FABORM 

Comprehensive Women's Health

Acupuncture Infertility Specialist

I am a different kind of doctor.

Hello. I'm Amy Galvan, Jacksonville's first Fertility Acupuncture Physician who is board certified by the Acupuncture/TCM Board of Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). In addition to primary care, I provide affordable compassionate care for fertility treatments using acupuncture, botanicals, and functional medicine in a convenient Jacksonville, Florida location.  Welcome!

Trusted Provider

From 2009 to 2020, Amy owned and operated Galvan Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in Gainesville, Florida, where she treated thousands of patients for over 10 years. Her practice has been proudly featured in Socially Loved, The Gainesville Sun Best of the Best, and FACES of Our Town publications. 


Fertility Specialist

After 10 years of treating infertility in a general practice, Amy completed advanced training and board certification with the Acupuncture/TCM  Board of Reproductive Medicine. Amy founded GALVAN Precision Wellness in Jacksonville, Florida in 2020 with an emphasis on helping couples overcome the odds of complex infertility and autoimmune infertility.


Healer & Teacher

Amy was a faculty instructor at Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine. Prior to becoming an acupuncturist, Amy was a valuable staff member at Ascension Health St. John Hospital Healing Arts Center near Detroit, Michigan for 3 years. Amy has over 20 years experience as a teacher and clinician, with national honors in science, teaching, and community service.

Hi! I'm Amy Galvan!

I work with patients who have not been helped by other healthcare models.

I listen to patients who have sometimes never felt listened to properly before.

I support patients working on all aspects of their lives toward optimal health.

I provide foundations to support fertile families for generations to come.

Some people are math and science nerds—but I am more of a communications and science nerd. I love the studies of languages and life so much that I earned multiple degrees in biology, health sciences, French language, and Chinese medicine. But I also have studied the peculiar language of biology which the human body uses to communicate with us—through signs and symptoms.

Work with Me

Let's Talk!

Learning to communicate with the body was crucial in helping me overcome my own crippling autoimmune disease after 10 years---without medication.

It’s why I studied Shen-Hammer Chinese pulse diagnosis for years (mentoring under Dr Leon Hammer himself). It’s why I am a voracious reader of mindbody medicine pioneers like Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Peter Levine, Andrew Weil, Randine Lewis, Gabor Mate, Bessel  van der Kolk, and Leon Hammer. It’s how I overcame multiple sclerosis without medication when it was thought to be impossible---and started racing motocross instead! Going from MS to MX, I can tell you this. The body CAN heal, and it tells us EXACTLY what it needs. But before you can apply whatever science-based strategy you think is worth a try, you must FIRST learn to interpret what your body is trying to tell you.

Work with Me

Overcoming Failure Rates

Why is it that a treatment can work on one person but not on another?

I ask myself that question with every new patient. It's the backbone of my practice. The answer is because healing is more than looking up a solution to a health problem like you are looking up a recipe in a cookbook. The answer to your problem is not in a book, chart, research statistic, or crystal ball. Your answer is in your body. It talks to you through symptoms. To heal, you must not turn them off (or tune them out); you simply need to respond correctly.

Work with Me

What Patients Are Saying!

"Amy knows the medical model but offers what that system cannot provide."

"She uses the transformative power of healing. She literally brought me back from the ledge of hopelessness." ---Julia, Nurse Practitioner

"I'm always amazed at what she can tell me about my body without me even mentioning symptoms that I may be experiencing." ---Amanda Redinger, Mother of Two

"I was suffering tremendously in pain and inflammation from a rare autoimmune disease, I even was put on chemotherapy for this disease. Dr. Galvan not only stopped the pain, and reduced my inflammation but within 6 months, I was able to stop the chemotherapy that at the time was going to to be a life time treatment for the auto immune disease. Since then, she has kept my disease at bay, has kept my pain in check and I go see her regularly like clockwork. She is caring, compassionate but is adept at knowing the body and its needs."---Christa Arnold, PhD

Work with Me


  • Credentials

    • Doctor of Oriental Medicine (FL license)
    • Fellow, Acupuncture/TCM Board of
      Reproductive Medicine (ABORM)
    • Board certified Acupuncturist (NCCAOM)

    Additional Certifications

    • Applied Functional Medicine (IFM)
    • Battlefield Acupuncture
    • Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture
    • Former Instructor, Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine (DRCOM)
    • Formerly certified public school teacher (grades 7-12 in French, Biology)
    • Crime Victim Advocate (FDLE)
    • Trained volunteer for domestic violence support group facilitator
  • Education

    • Dragon Rises  College of Orinetal Medicine---MSOM, Summa Cum Laude (2009)
    • Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine---BS Health Sciences (2009)
    • University of  Washington---Post-baccalaureate Pre-Med (1998)
    • Eastern MIchigan University---Magna Cum Laude, BA French/Biology (1992)

    Advanced Training---Fertility

    • Treatment of Infertility  with Jane Lyttleton L'Ac 
    • Western Reproductive Endocrinology  with Paul Magarelli MD 
    • Advances in Integrative Reproduction at YoSan University
    • Autoimmune Disease in Repeated Pregnancy Loss with Jaclyn Chasse Smeaton DOM
    • Anxiety in Pregnancy
    • Clinical Genomics for Women's Health: Lifestyle Genetic Testing and Nutrigenomics with Robyn Murphy ND
    • Intending a Child Doesn't  Work with Randine Lewis
    • Women's Health: Supporting Fertility and Endocrine Function with Chinese Herbs with Heiner Fruehauf DOM
    • Spirituality and TCM with Bob Doane DOM

    Advanced Training with Shellie Goldstein DOM

    • Cosmetic  Acupuncture: More than  Skin Deep
    • Anatomy and Physiology  of the Facial Muscles of Expression for Cosmetic Acupuncture
    • Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin and Skin Disorders for Cosmetic Acupuncture
    • Anatomy and Physiology  of the Face for Safe Practice of Cosmetic  Acupuncture
    • Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
    • AcuFacial Facelift  Weekend Workshop in NYC

    Advanced Training---Oriental Psychology

    • Mentorship with Leon Hammer MD for 7 years
    • Treating Trauma Masterclass with Onno Van Der Hart PhD, Joan Borysendo PhD, Bessel  Van der Kolk MD, Peter Levine PhD, Pat Ogdon PhD
    • The Neurobiology of Trauma
    • The Neurobiology of Attachment
    • How to work with Traumatic Memory Embedded in the Nervous System
    • Battlefield Acupuncture (PTSD and pain)
  • Honors and Awards

    • Kappa Delta Pi Honors in Education
    • Phi Beta Kappa Honors in Science
    • National Dean's List (first Bachelor's degree)
    • University Regents Full-Ride Academic Scholarship (4 years), Eastern Michigan University
    • 2nd Place National Essay Scholarship Winner from NuHerbs Co (Herbal Times) 2009
    • Who's  Who Among America's  Teachers 1993, 1995
    • U.S. Senate Youth Scholar 1987
    • Will St John Memorial Citizenship Award
    • Daughters of the American Revolution Citizenship Award
    • The  Face of Acupuncture & Holistic  Wellness 2019---Our Town Magazine (Gainesville FL)
    • Most Loved Acupuncture Clinic 2017-2018---Socially Loved Gainesville FL
    • Best of the Best:  Acupuncturist 2017 Runner Up---The Gainesville Sun
  • Professional Accomplishments

    I have ove 20 years experience working as a healthcare provider, licensed public educator, and volunteer trained counselor for survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, rape and incest.

    I am the former chairperson for the Victim Services Task Force for the  Alachua County Coalition Against Human  Trafficking. In this role I coordinated fundraisers for ACCAHT, partnering with Doncaster women's designer clothing. I coordinated the assembly and delivery of rescue bags for human trafficking vicitms, and performed rescues of women and minors trafficked by organized crime.

    I collaborated with the Alachua County Rape Crisis Center to provide 30 acupunture treatments to 6 rape victims. I coordinated payment for treatments through grants and the  Victim Compensation Trust  Fund (funded by convicted perpetrator court fees, not taxpayer money). I won a national award for pioneering this work.

    I was mentored for 7 years by an internationally renowned child psychiatrist and  doctor of Oriental medicine, Leon Hammer MD. The focus of his work is in Oriental psychology, conscious awareness, and healing Heart Shock. 

  • Personal

    I love to spend my spare time learning to race motocross. I have traveled to national and regional events to do acupuncture on amateur and professional motocross riders as Dr Motogal. When I am not traveling the beautiful USA, you might catch me around town with my dog-in-a-purse chihuahua love JJ, and the love of my life Robert by my side.

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