Image of expert in fertility acupuncture IVF alternative care

Amy Galvan, DOM, L' Ac, FABORM 

Comprehensive Women's Health

Acupuncture Infertility Specialist

Are Your Monthly Cycles a Problem?
Acupuncture Helps You Experience Problem-free Monthly  Cycles---Even If You Have Had Lifelong Period Problems!

I can help you get rid of painful, irregular, or missing periods. If you have problems with infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), premature ovarian failure (POF), endometriosis, repeated pregnancy loss, fibroids, IVF support, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), coming off birth control, or perimenopausal syndrome, you can get help here to restore a healthy reproductive system. 

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Subscribe to my healthy lifestyles email news called THE GALVANIC CURRENT. These daily habits include instructions for acupressure, herbs, supplements, foods, and more . Get Informed! Get Healthy! #GetGalvanized!

By Amy Galvan May 31, 2023
Your body signals you daily so many details about your hormone balance, fertility window, implanation window, and possible pregnancy---and you don't even need testing to read these signals. Taking your basal body temperature is a great way to start listening to your body's fertile signs, or detecting problems to treat early on.
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By Amy Galvan October 3, 2022
Learn how to use this incredibly popular herbal wash to eliminate itching and redness from yeast infections, rashes, hydrodenitis supporitiva, and prepare the microbiome for a vaginal delivery without harmful bacteria presence.
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By Amy Galvan June 10, 2021
Join Dr Mike Armour as he shares exciting new research findings in 2021 for endometriosis protocols with lasting effects using acupuncture and TCM herbal medicine. He discusses treatment frequency, duration, results, and selection criteria for women it works for best. A welcome alternative to repeated surgical interventions and opioid use for a condition that has no known cure.
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By Amy Galvan April 10, 2021
An article based on frequently asked questions from my new patients, whether TTC or not. This will help you take charge of your fertility.
By Amy Galvan September 16, 2020
The Chinese knew that even the strongest and most highly functioning women have delicate circuitry that is vulnerable when not cared for properly! They devised six practices I will share with you here, for proper care during the week of your period. These six practices will go along way to help keep your body and mind running smoothly. The Chinese knew the balance of a woman’s wellbeing—and her future health—depends on it!

Learn More!

Subscribe to my healthy lifestyles email news called THE GALVANIC CURRENT. These daily habits include instructions for acupressure, herbs, supplements, foods, and more. Get Informed! Get Healthy! #GetGalvanized!

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