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Amy Galvan, DOM, L' Ac, FABORM 

Comprehensive Women's Health

Acupuncture Infertility Specialist

Can You do IVF and Be Pro-Life? An REI Fertility Doctor Speaks Out

Amy Galvan • July 29, 2024

An Eye-Opening Look at IVF Practices & Choices

Listen to Dr. Lauren Rubal, M.D. - board-certified OBGYN and Integrative Medical Physician share her evolving knowledge about IVF and Regenerative Reproductive Medicine alternatives.

Hear Dr Lauren Rubal explain why she believes the following: Every human life that is created — no matter the method — has inherent value and dignity. Children conceived in IVF do not deserve to be destroyed or frozen indefinitely.

In Vitro Fertilization results in the creation of children and is touted by many as pro-life, even among those who oppose abortion.

Although the IVF process involves creating life, it also involves discrimination and the sometimes intentional destruction of innocent human children as a means of fulfilling the wants and desires of adults.

Dr. Lauren Rubal, M.D. - board-certified OBGYN and Integrative Medical Physician - spent years helping couples to conceive via IVF. Now she shares the devastating harms of IVF and natural, wholistic alternatives for fertility treatment.

0:00 - Struggling With Infertility

1:35 - How In Vitro Fertilization Works

2:12 - Every Human Being Has Inherent Dignity

2:44 - Death Toll Of IVF

3:44 - Frozen & Abandoned Embryos

4:01 - Health Risks Of IVF To Mother & Child

4:34 - Alternatives To IVF

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