Image of expert in fertility acupuncture IVF alternative care

Amy Galvan, DOM, L' Ac, FABORM 

Comprehensive Women's Health

Acupuncture Infertility Specialist

Do You Suffer Autoimmune Flare Ups?
Reverse autoimmune flares with natural Flare Care tools!

It was once thought that you could control flare ups by understanding Th1 and Th2 dominance. Much research and development of drugs were based on this theory. Unfortunately, it has not been a proven sound theory. That leaves us with natural ways to balance the immune system. They are safer, cost less, and can even help you heal.
  • Identify triggers: Test Don't Guess
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin A (only without Th2 dominance)
  • Antioxidants
  • Natural anti-inflammatories
  • Chinese herbal medicine
  • Acupuncture, Chiropractic, and Bodywork
  • Stress Management
Discover a deep dive on how to put a stop to your autoimmune flare ups when they happen---and even better, how to prevent them!

Learn More!

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