You may have Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) patterns that fit the Pale type if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
Pale skin, hair loss, chapped lips, brittle nails, dry hair, blurry vision, poor night vision, insomnia, light headedness, shaky, free floating anxiety, strained tendons and ligaments, heart palpitations, malnourished, vegan, malabsorption, anemic, pale tongue. Women: PMS tearfulness, pale watery or scanty menstrual blood, heavy periods, delayed ovulation, late periods, worsening symptoms after period.
These are just a sample of symptoms, and certainly not all of them. A complete medical history, physical exam, and clinical signs from a Chinese medicine workup will help identify your pattern diagnosis fits a Pale type.
TCM patterns that fit the Pale type may include Blood Deficiency, Spleen Blood Deficiency, Circulation Impaired, Heart Qi-Yang Deficiency.
Consult with a qualified doctor of Oriental medicine to confirm your pattern diagnosis.
The following information is generalized and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional who knows your health history before following any advice.
Use lists and notes instead of trying to remember everything. Develop time management skills. Develop work and study habits. Take a warm bath before bed to help you fall asleep. Stay hydrated. Avoid excess sweat in saunas and hot tubs. Use an essential oil diffuser to relax your mind. Try not to worry about things you cannot do anything about. Practice letting go. Try guided imagery relaxation practices Use acupressure massage on points your acupuncturist recommends. Women should rest during their period.
Focus on increasing protein intake, preferably from non-plant sources.
Limit exercise to 30 minutes, three times a week. Engage in regular exercise with a meditative component such as yoga, tai chi, qi gong, fencing. Do not warm up by stretching first; before stretching, elevate your heart rate to increase blood flow and prevent injury such as strained tendons and ligaments. Avoid sweating in excess. Go for a protein shake or branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) after workouts.
The Pale type TCM patterns often co-exist with other patterns. Be sure to check out my articles on lifestyle tips for other general pattern types including Tired, Stuck, Dry, and Waterlogged. Pale types often can have coexisting Tired and Stuck pattern types.
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