Image of expert in fertility acupuncture IVF alternative care

Amy Galvan, DOM, L' Ac, FABORM 

Comprehensive Women's Health

Acupuncture Infertility Specialist


Are you looking to restore your health and wellness? 

You can get the help you need to do that naturally here! 

In celebrating 10 years of patient care and expanding services, GALVAN Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is now GALVAN Precision Wellness. 

We have a new name, a new location, new online resources, new lab testing, and new telemedicine services. 

Why the change? The new location and provider relationships allow GALVAN to be really focused on reversing health problems of aging that affect fertility, hormones, and beauty. Of course the methods used are still combining ancient natural medicine principles with modern functional medicine principles to keep you at your best!

GALVAN will still continue to provide award winning primary care services like we have for 10 years in Gainesville, Florida. Here in Jacksonville, Florida, I am delighted to share the practice with my colleague, friend, and Jacksonville native Dr Zee Cakmis, DOM, L'Ac. Check out the resources on the website to learn how we treat common problems that interfere with wellness, like fertility, hormones, mental focus, energy, and esthetics.

I am glad you are here!
Amy Galvan DOM, L'Ac

Subscribe to my healthy lifestyles email news called THE GALVANIC CURRENT. These daily habits include instructions for acupressure, herbs, supplements, foods, and more.  Get Informed! Get Healthy! #GetGalvanized!

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By Amy Galvan July 29, 2024
An Eye-Opening Look at IVF Practices & Choices
By Amy Galvan May 31, 2023
Your body signals you daily so many details about your hormone balance, fertility window, implanation window, and possible pregnancy---and you don't even need testing to read these signals. Taking your basal body temperature is a great way to start listening to your body's fertile signs, or detecting problems to treat early on.
Yin Care product  image
By Amy Galvan October 3, 2022
Learn how to use this incredibly popular herbal wash to eliminate itching and redness from yeast infections, rashes, hydrodenitis supporitiva, and prepare the microbiome for a vaginal delivery without harmful bacteria presence.
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Subscribe to my healthy lifestyles email news called THE GALVANIC CURRENT. These daily habits include instructions for acupressure, herbs, supplements, foods, and more. Get Informed! Get Healthy! #GetGalvanized!

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