You may have Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) patterns that fit the Stuck type if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
Craving freedom of movement without restriction, whether it is in the body, in traffic, or in work flow. Stress causes body symptoms such as tension headaches, TMJ, IBS, blood pressure spikes, irritability, hot temper, abdomen tender to pressure, poor circulation, spider veins, varicose veins, age spots, liver spots, tingles, muscle tics, alcohol cravings, irregular cycles, PMS, painful periods with clots and cramps, mittleschmerz, painful sex, dark purplish tongue. Symptoms feel better with exercise, travel, sex, coffee, alcohol, and recreational substances.
These are just a sample of symptoms, and certainly not all of them. A complete medical history, physical exam, and clinical signs from a Chinese medicine workup will help identify your pattern diagnosis fits a Stuck type.
TCM patterns that fit the Stuck type may include Qi Stagnation, Blood Stasis, Liver Qi Stagnation, Liver Yin and Blood Deficiency causing Stagnation, Liver Blood Stagnation, Heart Qi and Blood Stagnation,
Consult with a qualified doctor of Oriental medicine to confirm your pattern diagnosis.
The following information is generalized and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional who knows your health history before following any advice.
Reduce stress! Develop an arsenal of relaxation techniques that work for you and use them in regular practice throughout your day. Stress affects your health more than other pattern types. Consider deep breathing, guided meditation, mantras, or whatever works for you. Explore guided imagery and visualizations to reduce stress. You may never be able to control stressors, but you can learn to control how you respond to them.
Alleviate physical tension and mental tension. Find healthy ways to express bottled up emotions. Consider journaling, art, exercise, therapy.
Laugh good hard belly laughs. Avoid people or situations you find especially frustrating or annoying. Practice belly breathing, allowing your belly to expand during the inhale.
Focus on achieving work-life balance.
WOMEN: Do not have sexual intercourse on your period. Do not use tampons to sleep in; they can block your flow causing more stagnation if you have clots. These lifestyle tips are especially important when the hormone cycle pivots at ovulation and at onset of a period, to avoid problems.
Try acupressure self massage. Ask your acupuncturist which acupoints will help you most.
Prioritize unprocessed, whole foods.
Specific Chinese food therapy to move Liver Qi in Stuck types focuses on flavor, not foods per se. It includes limiting sour foods to small amounts only, such as vinegar, pickles, and citrus. Enjoy aromatic spices and foods such as horseradish, wasabi, mustard, basil, mint, and garlic. Add bitter flavors to your diet such as black coffee (decaf, too!), dark chocolate, dark leafy greens, bitter melon, citrus peel and zest, As a digestive aid, take a spoonful of Swedish bitters or Agnostura bitters.
The best foods to Soothe Liver include liver pate, liverwurst, foie gras, beets, beet greens, and stirred greens.
Regular moderate to intense exercise such as aerobics, running, or HIIT. Practice repetitive, rhythmic types of exercise to calm the mind, such as swimming laps or jogging through a park. Find a swing at a local park, or hang a tire swing at home.
WOMEN: During your period, do not sweat or do high impact exercise. Reduce exercise by half when on your period. Never swim in cold water. It harms the uterine function and movement of blood. Reduce exercise as much as possible after TTC, until pregnancy is confirmed.
The Stuck type TCM patterns often co-exist with other patterns. Be sure to check out my articles on lifestyle tips for other general pattern types including Tired, Pale, Dry, and Waterlogged. Stuck types often are a result of any of the other patterns, but can occur as the only pattern.
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