Image of expert in fertility acupuncture IVF alternative care

Amy Galvan, DOM, L' Ac, FABORM 

Comprehensive Women's Health

Acupuncture Infertility Specialist

The FABORM Difference for Jacksonville Fertility Acupuncture

Amy Galvan • September 1, 2020

Serving the Greater Jacksonville Area with Fertility Acupuncture, Board Certified by the American  Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine

If you’re looking for Jacksonville Fertility Acupuncture, GALVAN Precision Wellness clinic is the place to find the most highly credentialed and integrative fertility acupuncture clinic conveniently located in Jacksonville’s medical corridor. 

Our fertility acupuncture clinic was designed to feel like a special place for you to begin your fertility journey—especially if you have never had acupuncture.

We know you want to find the best fertility acupuncture clinic for you. You are here. Welcome!

To consistently deliver incredible results for patients, Amy Galvan DOM, L’Ac, FABORM, has taken the ancient wisdom of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and combined it with peer-reviewed clinical research and functional medicine, to create a natural system of holistic medicine that outperforms typical fertility acupuncture services.

How Is the Fertility Acupuncture at our clinic in Jacksonville different from other clinics?

Not all acupuncture is created equal. 

Acupuncture is very different from one doctor’s office to the next, depending on the practitioner’s training. Credentials are the mark of an acupuncturist’s training. This is especially important with specialties.

To gain the deepest level of understanding needed to treat the most challenging fertility issues—and get the results the fertility acupuncture research promises—Amy Galvan pursued Board certification by the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). Fellows of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (FABORM)  are highly skilled Board Certified clinicians and researchers pioneering best practices in integrative, evidence-based care for infertility and reproductive health specialties.

In addition to a 5-year academic program and internship in Chinese medicine as a general practitioner, FABORM certification requires an additional year of intense exclusive study of reproductive medicine practiced today—-from the profession’s leading medical doctors, reproductive endocrinologists, and internationally renowned fertility acupuncture specialists. These rigors are in addition to travel, clinical practice, conferences, professional peer groups, and all-day board exams. 

New to Jacksonville since May 2020, Amy Galvan DOM, L’Ac, FABORM is the only fertility acupuncture specialist in Jacksonville (and one of only a dozen in Florida) who is a Board Certified Fellow specializing in fertility acupuncture.

Aside from Credentials, Is the Fertility Acupuncture at Our Clinic in Jacksonville the Best Based on Experience, Results, and Reputation?

Aside from knowledge, there experience. As the former clinic director for 10 years in of one of Gainesville’s best acupuncture clinics, Amy Galvan served thousands of patients and supervised half a dozen acupuncturists (two specializing in infertility). She has also taught at the local acupuncture college. Amy has also worked 3 years at an Ascension Health hospital Healing Arts Center as a Reiki energy healer on staff. Amy brings to Jacksonville a body of clinical experience over 10 years that adds value to each patient who walks in the door.

Amy Galvan is trained in the following acupuncture modalities:
  • Contemporary Oriental Medicine
  • Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Five Element Acupuncture
  • Classical Chinese Medicine
  • Auricular (Ear) and Battlefield Acupuncture
  • Laser Acupuncture
  • Tan Balance Method for Pain Relief

Using her in-depth knowledge of acupuncture, Amy is able to create custom treatment protocols based on your unique needs.

Jacksonville has a wide selection of acupuncturists, including practitioners who offer acupuncture as a complement to physical therapy, chiropractic, or medical practice.

However, if you’re looking for a dedicated acupuncture physician in Jacksonville, Amy Galvan is one of the most highly trained and experienced in the Jacksonville area.

If you feel like fertility acupuncture is a very important decision to make, and you are at a loss for where to go, you’re in the right place. 

"My easiest pregnancy by far. I've been going to Amy for about a year now, for what started as migraine pain. She's fixed that and more: helped me get in better shape, I have more energy, I enjoy better moods, I even lost weight without trying (!), and she's now helping me through my third pregnancy, which is my easierst by far in spite of being older and busier than I was before. She always makes time for me when I need to be seen, and always makes me feel better. Thank you, Amy!"

Gillian Ward
Gainesville FL

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Which Infertility Conditions Does Amy Galvan Specialize In?

Amy uses 5 styles of needling in her Jacksonville acupuncture fertility clinic:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 
  • hormone imbalance
  • irregular monthly cycles
  • birth control withdrawal
  • infertility
  • endometriosis
  • menstrual pain, headache, migraine
  • repeated pregnancy loss
  • fibroids
  • PCOS
  • fatigue
  • labor induction
  • malposition of fetus
  • menopausal symptoms
  • other gynecological problems
  • underlying chronic disease that interferes with reproductive health such as hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and more. 

Contemporary Oriental Mecicine (COM) 
  • psychological mindset
  • psychological resilience
  • past emotional trauma
  • stress
  • 10 types of anxiety
  • 13 types of sadness,depression, and grief 
  • other Oriental psychological conditions recognized by Amy's mentor Leon Hammer MD,  world-renowned in psychiatry and Chinese Medicine
Battlefield Acupuncture (Auricular acupuncture specialty)
  • post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD)
  • pain, including back pain, sciatica, and lingering post-surgical pain.
Five Element (5E) 
  • holistic mind, body, spirit
  • build upon your strengths
  • reduce your weaknesses
  • internal balance within
  • external balance with lifestyle, relationships
  • remove blocks to treatment progress 
Classical Hun Yuan Acupuncture
  • advanced maternal age (over 35)
  • infertility over age 40
  • diminished ovarian reserve (DOR)
  • premature ovarian failure (POF)
  • poor responders to IVF
  • IVF support acupuncture
Laser acupuncture (no needles) 
  • children
  • immunosuppressed patients
  • nerve pain
  • needle phobia 

Amy will use your initial visit at our Jacksonville fertility acupuncture clinic to determine which styles of acupuncture are best suited for your needs. She will then create a treatment plan made just for you.

If your condition is not listed above and you’re wondering if fertility acupuncture can help you, send us a note. If your needs align with Amy’s skill set, we will let you know. If they don’t, we will provide you with a list of practitioners who are adept at treating your condition.
"Amy helped me achieve my dream of being a mom! After 2 devastating diagnosis in 2013 I was at a loss of what to do to get better. Physically I was suffering and mentally I was in pieces. When my doctors couldn't help me I searched for alternatives. 

Luckily someone sent me to Amy! Since my first visit she has kept me healthy both mentally and physically! I refer all my friends and family to her and everyone has always been impressed with her skills, patience and her calming and healing presence. I am thankful everyday for Amy and I would be at a loss without her! If you are deciding which acupuncturist to see, your search is over. Amy is IT! And she is worth any new patient wait time!

I am eternally grateful. "

Name Withheld for Privacy
Gainesville FL

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Does Acupuncture Hurt?

No, not really. Acupuncture would not be gaining in popularity if it hurt like a doctor’s needle. You won’t need any numbing cream or anesthetics for acupuncture! We have techniques for painless acupuncture if you want no sensation at all (but a tingling sensation is preferable).

 Acupuncture needles are micro-engineered to glide into the body without cutting like a doctor’s needle, and small enough to avoid hitting nerves that cause pain. Amy has put needles in sleeping patients, and in babies and children who do not notice.

There are different sensations you might feel when the needles are inserted into your body. Many people feel nothing at all, but sometimes people feel heaviness, a dull ache similar to a toothache but milder, a radiated tingle, warming, itching, or lightness as if that part of your body were now made of air. Occasionally you will feel a zing! It can feel electrical and exciting for a moment. One person described it as little tingles dancing up and down her legs.

Most people find acupuncture to be relaxing. Quite a few fall asleep!

When we are treating for big results, or for instant pain relief, we do want to use a more noticeable sensation. This sensation can feel like tweezing a single eyebrow hair: fast, momentary, but tolerable.

How Big Are Acupuncture Needles?

Small. Very small. Approximately 30-40 acupuncture needles will fit inside a medical hypodermic needle. Acupuncture needles are so fine, they are the thickness of a human hair.

Amy Galvan elects to use some of the most expensive needles at her Jacksonville fertility acupuncture clinic. A higher quality needle is micro-engineered to significantly reduce any discomfort you might experience. Most patients remark that they do not feel the needles like they have in the past with other acupuncturists.v

How Safe is Acupuncture?

There is very little risk to acupuncture, since the needles are as thick as a human hair—and hair coming through your skin is not a puncture wound. The needles create such a tiny hole that it is often immediately closed when the needle is taken out. Needles are only put in to a safe depth so as not to injure any nerves or blood vessels or organs. Special care is given where the body has been altered by injury, surgery, implants, hernias, etc. 

Clean Needle Technique with sterile surgical steel needles are used for patient safety. In Florida, only disposable needles are used. Needles are used once, and then disposed of in a sharps container never to be re-used again.

Are Needles Necessary? What About Acupressure?

Should you want to avoid needles completely, we have alternatives to stimulate the points. These include laser, magnets, seeds, and acupressure. These can take longer, or can be more expensive, depending.

How Many Treatments Does Acupuncture Require?

The minimum number of treatments showing clinical significance is ONE---at embryo transfer (ET). For better results, do acupuncture from ovulation to ET. However, if you are looking for more than the lowest level of help in beating the odds and increasing your chances at having a healthy baby (not just getting a chemical pregnancy), more treatments WILL help.

How many more? This depends on whether your condition is acute (began less than 3 months ago, such as the start to IVF, preconception, or birth control withdrawal) or chronic (existing longer than 3 months, such as diminished ovarian reserve, PCOS, or endometriosis). While there are always individual variations, in general acute conditions improve in 3-5 visits with follow-up visits to maintain. The duration for chronic conditions is estimated on a case by case basis. 

To help determine how long treatments will take, we can do a Rate of Response test to see how your body responds to acupuncture. We can see if you are a fast responder, slow responder, or average responder. We can also see how much momentum is gained or lost between treatments to determine how often you need to come. 

Amy’s general rule is that if you are not noticing a significant change in your health within 3-6 visits, more visits are probably NOT the solution. She would give you some recommendations to follow, and then have you return in a few months to see if your body has become more responsive to acupuncture with those recommendations. Amy will also likely refer you to another provider in the Jacksonville area who may be better suited to treat your condition. 

The number one priority at our Jacksonville fertility acupuncture clinic is that you get healthier and improve your chances of having a healthy baby. We are results-driven. We are also driven by word of mouth referrals from doctors and patients who have had incredible results. If you are not getting incredible results, we will help you find someone who can help you more.

We are not in business to sell appointments. We are in business to help you get results!
"In July my FSH was 45.5. Today my labs are normal with 12.3 FSH. It's been only 3 months. My periods are perfectly regular and on time. Chinse herbs work! I am so happy! You know what you are doing Dr Amy!"

M.M., Gainesville FL

"I am feeling so much better already, and it's only been less than a month. Dr Amy is so knowledgeable and explains everything as we go along. She understands the systems of the body, and how they work with our mind and spirit.

Cynthia Wonders Winterrowd

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Who Is the Typical Infertility Patient We Treat at Our Jacksonville Fertility Acupuncture Clinic?

Our Jacksonville fertility acupuncture clinic serves patients with a wide variety of reproductive health problems—not just infertility. 

Some of the more common infertility health problems Amy treats are 
  • IVF support
  • ovarian hyperstimulation prevention
  • poor endometrial lining
  • endometriosis
  • polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • diminished ovarian reserve (DOR)
  • high FSH
  • birth control withdrawal

The underlying conditions affecting  infertility and hormonal imbalance which Amy has a great deal of experience treating are 
  • stress
  • overwork
  • burnout
  • chronic pain and fibromyalgia
  • autoimmune diseases such as 
    • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 
    • multiple sclerosis (MS)
    • vitiligo (precursor to Hashi's)
    • Reynaud syndrome
    • ehlers danlos syndrome (EDS)
    • rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
    • inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s 

In general, patients who do best under Amy’s care at our Jacksonville fertility acupuncture clinic have certain values that support their commitment to natural treatments for infertility:

  • They don’t want to rely solely on medical interventions, procedures, or medications as a solution
  • They’re interested in being in their best health possible, rather than minimal health required to get pregnant
  • They’re willing to make dietary and lifestyle changes to support their overall health and wellbeing
  • They’re interested in the connection between stress, emotions, and physical health
  • They’re willing to do whatever it takes to improve their chances of having a healthy baby—including eating a fertile foods diet and taking fertility herbs and supplements every day without forgetting.
In general, our patients believe that the effort required to achieve their dream of having a healthy baby is much more involved than following medical procedures or taking a “wait and see” TTC approach. They believe that a combined approach of conventional, functional, and Chinese medicine—along with customized diet and lifestyle changes—will each play an integrated role in improving their chances of having a healthy baby.

The Premier Fertility Acupuncture Clinic in the Jacksonville Area

Our clinic is located in the heart of the medical corridor in Jacksonville, minutes from Jacksonville Beach on the 202 JTB expressway, and conveniently located to local areas of Orange Park, Nocatee, Jacksonville Beaches, and the Greater Jacksonville area. We serve patients in Duval County, St Johns County, St Augustine, and Gainesville with services for IVF support, fertility acupuncture, natural women’s reproductive health, and functional medicine. We have an herbal compounding pharmacy and dispensary on site, along with an online dispensary for your convenience. We offer lab tests for complete hormone panels, autoimmune screening, and nutrigenomics genetic testing for optimal health.

If you have specific questions, please contact us here

At GALVAN Precision Wellness clinic,our specialty is chronic, hard to treat health problems that interfere with your reproductive health. We use infertility acupuncture in our Jacksonville clinic to help patients increase their odds and reach their goal of having a healthy baby. 

"I can't thank Amy enough. Not only is she extremely knowledgeable and an excellent practitioner, but she is also caring, patient, and kind. Oh, I almost forgot, "funny!" She always makes me laugh! It's so much fun to visit with her---I look forward to it every time. She is truly a blessing in my life!

"I started seeing Amy 3 years ago . . . it has changed my life! Highly recommend!"
---R. Simmers

"As a 3+ year patient of Galvan Acupuncture and Herbal medicine, I can testify, without a doubt, to my improved health and the increase in my well-being. Dr Amy Galvan is top notch, listens to your issues, and addresses all of your needs. I'm forever a fan of Galvan Acupuncture."
---Carla S. Hill

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