Image of expert in fertility acupuncture IVF alternative care

Amy Galvan, DOM, L' Ac, FABORM 

Comprehensive Women's Health

Acupuncture Infertility Specialist

The Importance of Reproductive Health---Even If You Don't Want a Baby!

Amy Galvan • September 30, 2020

Hormones are not just for having a baby!

Hormones are communication messengers involved in virtually every bodily function: sleep, energy, digestion, appetite, metabolism, mood, focus, detox, immunity, structure, appearance, and more. 

If you have problems in any of these bodily functions, what do you do to fix it? Suppress the symptoms? But what if these symptoms were communicating important data regarding hidden, underlying breakdowns in your health that will get worse over a lifetime—even if medicated? That would be like shooting the messenger! Because what if those underlying problems could be addressed? And you could actually restore your health? 

Is your health solution just doctor prescription pills and procedures, because you do not know how to restore your health?

What about holistic treatments (like herbs, acupuncture, vitamins and supplements)? Why do they work sometimes but not always? And how do you know if they will work for you? 

We can probably tell you all those answers!

Galvan Precision Wellness unravels your body’s hidden codes to support optimal health.

Your body tells you what it needs to be healthy—in codes. The codes are symptoms, genomics, chemistries, and clinical signs (like Chinese pulse diagnosis). Sometimes the codes are recurrent thought patterns, feelings, dreams, and gut instincts to be verified. Sometimes interpretation of the codes are found in functional medicine, or conventional medicine, or Chinese medicine.

We teach you how to listen to your body, how to decode the signals, and how to help your body get what it needs to restore healthy balance. 

These are such powerful keys to reversing health problems, that you will probably never want to be without them again! Your body will no longer fail you, hate you, or hurt you with signs and symptoms that drive you to the doctor; instead these signs and symptoms will become your best ally in directing you how to live your best life!

Imagine being an expert in your own health

We invite you to join with us in learning to interpret the hidden codes your body holds to healing. 

We will share with you how to interpret your body’s signals using the wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine, the knowledge of new functional medicine, the artistry of holistic mind-body connections, and the philosophy behind Oriental psychology. 

For data junkies, we will touch on the cutting edge science of lab testing for gene SNPs, organic acids, and antibodies to learn how to manage the way your body is affected by hormones, specific foods, chemicals, heavy metals, molds, hidden infections, and more.

Within the pages of this website, we will enter a world of discovery about how the body tells us what it needs. You will find articles, video, reports, and lots of goodies we are putting together, absolutely free.

What’s the catch?

Why am I giving away so much of what I know for free on this website? Why am I not telling you to book an appointment if you want my expertise?

Firstly, we are not always able to treat everyone in the clinic. Sometimes we don’t need to. Sometimes we just need to do some lab work, which we can do without an office visit. When you learn some of the basics of what we do, you might be able to care for yourself better. That makes life easier for all of us!

Secondly, our services and classes will work better when you add your expertise and knowledge. That makes a win-win situation for all of us. So let’s work together! Learn with me.

At Galvan Precision Wellness clinic, we have plenty of clinical treatments, classes, and workshops that you may like to pay for to increase your healing and knowledge, but the website information is free. The newsletter emails are free. There is no catch. You never have to buy anything. You will continue to get great content for as long as you are a subscriber. 

If you are wondering how much you can learn to heal yourself beyond what your medical doctor can do with pills and procedures, listen to what these satisfied clients have to say.

Words from Clients

  • "The information I learn from you is worth as much as a treatment itself---if not, more!" ---Dianne G.

  • "After two devastating diagnoses in 2013, I was at a loss of what to do to get better. Physically I was suffering and mentally I was in pieces. When my doctors couldn't help me, I searched for alternatives. Luckily someone referred me to Amy! I am thankful every day for Amy. I refer all my friends and family to her and everyone is always impressed with her skills and healing presence." ---Name Withheld for Privacy

  • "I had several issues that prescriptions were just masking. Learning about Chinese medicine and how we are made up of dominant elements in different parts of our bodies is an experience in itself. This has been such an incredible experience for healing but also of self discovery." ---Tatania S.

  • "I have experienced great healing the body can accomplish when assisted in the proper methods."---Loretta S.

Is it safe to go outside of conventional medicine to treat my health problems?

Practicing safe medicine is important. There are consequences and side effects to conventional medicine that natural medicine does not have, and vice-versa. 

Only a medical doctor or pharmacist can advise you on taking (or not taking) prescription medications or medical procedures. However, their formal education is focused on management of disease, rather than restoration of health. You may find you know more about taking vitamins than your medical doctor. You may find that taking Vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc with copper, and inositol go a long way to reversing PCOS and infertility than synthetic hormones can, with less side effects . . . Or you may find that you are not a good candidate for that treatment. The more you learn, the safer you will be.

Many people use both conventional medical care AND restoration of health at the same time. While you may never become an expert in health sciences from reading material, you do know more about your body at any given time than anyone else. You have your own expertise on your body; why not make it better by learning to heal yourself.

What makes Galvan Precision Wellness different?

At Galvan Precision Wellness, we don’t just treat you; we teach you to be an expert in your own health.

Because your health needs are not just like everyone else’s. Because you deserve more than a prescription based on a reference chart made from calculated averages. Because when it comes to diagnosis and treatment, one size does not fit all.

Your medical health professionals are experts in disease and disease management. Your medical doctor is typically not a health expert. If you want to do more than live with a managed disease, you need to learn to heal yourself. No one can do it for you. But we can help teach you how. 

My clients often learn more than their doctors about restoration of health, and we routinely reverse infertility, autoimmune disease, and chronic debilitating pain and fatigue—often without medications or medical procedures.

How you can start your healing journey

I invite you to start your healing journey by doing one simple thing---and it costs nothing: Keeping in Touch! When you sign up for my email list, you receive special offers, valuable health tips, and reliable uncensored healthcare information via email. As my thank you, I will give you a FREE copy of my eBook, Chinese Medicine: How an Ancient Medicine Can Help You in a Modern World.

Please subscribe below!

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