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Amy Galvan, DOM, L' Ac, FABORM 

Comprehensive Women's Health

Acupuncture Infertility Specialist

Homocysteine Levels and Fertility: Should You Test?

Amy Galvan • February 11, 2021

New research you need to know about if you are planning to get pregnant but suffer from inflammation.

You want your baby to get a secure attachment to grow in the womb. Homocysteine is a key lab marker to assure your baby can!

Homocysteine is a marker for inflammation. Inflammation compromises blood circulation—-particularly the MICRO circulation needed inside the endometrium where the baby attaches.

Inflammation is common in women with PCOS, endometriosis, insulin resistance or diabetes, autoimmune conditions (Hashi’s, RA, Crohn’s, etc), recent surgical procedures, MTHFR gene variants, leaky gut, and other common health problems.


Your homocysteine level is easy to check on a blood draw!

Under normal conditions, it does not exceed 15 μMol/L. Doctors want it to be below 17 μmol/L. Anything higher significantly increases the likelihood of a micro blood clot that can block blood flow to the embryo—-which is easy to correct, by the way!

Keep in mind that this is a new area of study. Individual doctors set their own limits based on clinical experience and your health history.

Rest assured that it’s fairly simple to reduce your homocysteine level with supplements if it is too high.

Of course, you might also want to determine the CAUSE of why it is elevated (so you can remove it), not just take supplements.

Using B Vitamins to Lower Homocysteine Levels for Fertility

In a study of 48 women undergoing IVF who had homocysteine levels above the safer level of 17, half were treated with B vitamins until their levels dropped below 17 for 2 weeks steady. Their pregnancy rates after embryo transfer were 47.8%. Women without treatment had a pregnancy rate of only 17.3%.

Sadly, of those 17.3% pregnant women who were NOT treated for elevated homocysteine, 50% lost their pregnancy while only 18.2% of women treated with B vitamins suffered pregnancy loss.

Safe Dosing of B Vitamins to Lower Homocysteine Levels for Women  Trying to Conceive

B vitamins are generally safe because they are water soluble. That means if you take too much, your body should naturally eliminate the excess through your urine.

For correct dosage, individual considerations must be made based on diet, lifestyle, nutrigenomics, and if your body is using B Vitamins heavily for metabolic challenges such as stress, detoxification of chemicals and hormone therapy, or other conditions.

The right B vitamins at the right dose can help reduce elevated homocysteine levels, reduce inflammation, open micro circulation in the uterine lining, AND help your body reduce stress.

Let’s help your baby get a secure attachment in the womb!

PMID: 17763935

PMID 27775595

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